Create a great newsletter from Scratch in under two minutes

In this short video you’ll see how we create a newsletter from scratch in under 2 minutes. You’ll see how you select the best content from the content library, personalize the look and feel of your newsletter and create a newsletter with it. For more information about NewsletterBreeze and the prices, click here.

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Double your email opens in 5 or less minutes

You may be doing everything right. You create a great newsletter, send it, and a small percentage open it. Many will not open because they received it at the wrong time… Dave Schneider resent the same newsletter 24 hrs after the first one, only to subscribers who had not opened it. This increased opens by […]

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Survey to increase email effectiveness

I find psychology fascinating. This article written by Kelsey Libert in MarketingLand is half way between email marketing and psychology. It’s about how people want to be perceived when they send emails. It’s also a good indication of how different audiences will value your newsletters. Kelsey mentions how younger generations and less educated people want […]

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Tricks to increase email opens and click through rates

Richard Lerner (DigitalMarketer President), just published an article with 11 tricks to increase opens and click thourgh rates.  It was shared 981 times on social media. Here’s a short summary of the 3,150 words. Last year, Richard sent over 1 billion emails, so he knows what he’s talking about. He explains that email deliverability is […]

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About the email marketing research

To complete this article/research, I’ve analyzed fifteen marketers who are already in my inbox. I’ve analyzed multiple aspects of their email marketing strategy. Most of the results are included in this research. Other parts I will treat separately in the future. These marketers have the following characteristics: I’ve been subscribed to their newsletter for some […]

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