How are the news brought to NewsletterBreeze?
Your account’s news will be very relevant for your subscribers. This is why it’ll need an initial configuration (to be done only once).
When you open your account, we’ll offer you a free consultation to tell you/configure your account for your specific needs.
You can bring in really targeted news by bringing in news …
1) From specific websites.
2) Manually. You’ll have a button to add to your browser. From then onwards, every time you find a news you’re interested in, click on that button and the news will immediately be added to your account.
3) From Twitter: Bring in news from specific Twitter accounts or hashtags.
4) Really specific news: We monitor many sources. If you’re looking for very specific news and you find there are no good websites that publish this news, we can send this news to your account. Tell us the keywords you are interested in and we’ll populate the account for you.
Set up a free consultation and we’ll see your specific case
When you open your account, tell us what news you’re interested in. We’ll tell you how to configure your account to bring in the best targeted news.
Can you do the initial configuration?
Yes, we can. If the configuration is fast, we’ll do it at no charge. If it takes us a considerable amount of time, we’ll budget it for you.
Does NewsletterBreeze send newsletters?
No, it doesn’t.
NewsletterBreeze integrates with the most important email marketing service providers. Newsletters are generated in your account and sent through your current Email Service provider.
With what email marketing services does NewsletterBreeze integrate?
Some of the services we integrate with are: Mailchimp, GetResponse, ConstantContact, MadMimi, CampaignMonitor, Benchmark and many others.
How easy is to create a Newsletter?
It’s really easy.
After the initial (one time) set up, creating a new newsletter is as easy as clicking a button under each article you want to include in your newsletter. If you want to add three articles, you’ll click three news.
Can I edit the content of the newsletter?
You can edit the header, footer and the content of each news.
When you add a specific news to your newsletter, the first few words from the article are added by default. You can edit/change/remove this text.
Is this a complete “hands off”service”?
You need to set it up once. Once set up, the site starts to automatically bring in the news to you, several times a day.
To create your newsletter, you need to manually select from your account each news you want to add. NewsletterBreeze helps you find the best news by highlighting the most popular by social shares.
Do I need to install anything on my computer?
No you don’t.
The code is hosted on our servers. We are constantly updating it and introducing new features. When we update the software, you’ll automatically have it updated.
I already have a newsletter where I publish my content, does NewsletterBreeze make any sense?
It depends. Ask yourself the following questions.
- How often are you publishing new content?
- Is the newsletter you’re publishing the most valuable (newsletter) for your subscribers?
- Is the newsletter mostly about you or you’re trying to deliver value?
You can combine your content and other content in a curated newsletter. By surrounding your content and offers with content that delivers lots of value, you’ll keep your subscribers engaged, opening your emails and reading your offers.
If you don’t produce enough content to update your newsletter regularly, you can send a curated newsletters when you don’t have content. When you create new content, you can send a newsletter with this content. This way, you’re engaging with your subscribers regularly.
If I am sending a newsletter with curated content, how can I promote my business?
A newsletter creates a relationship with your subscribers at scale so they are used to hearing from you. In order to create this relationship, they have to get used to receive (regularly) a newsletter from you, open it and read it. To achieve this goal, the newsletter needs to deliver lots of value.
A great curated newsletter is a very effective tool to achieve this goal. Keep in mind that…
You’re sending the newsletter, so even if you are sharing other people’s content, the newsletter comes from you… This makes you appear as the expert in your industry.
You can use the newsletter to include specific offers, promotions or your own content. Your newsletter and offers will be much more effective because they’ll be surrounded by content that delivers lots of value.
You can add a branded badge to every curated link you share. Every time your subscribers click on a link, the’ll see your (clickable) badge that will direct them to your own content.